Optimizing Queries with Applicatives
I was learning about free monads recently, and how they allow separation of the generation of a program from the interpretation. A neat example of this is Cool Idea: Free Monads for Testing Redis Calls, where Michael Xavier shows how to model calls to Redis, and interpret them different ways, allowing for better testing of code.
Another benefit of modeling calls this way is that we have full access to data structures before execution, allowing us to optimize the model, eliminating redundant calls, or batching calls that allow it.
A Key Value Store
In case you'd like to run these examples yourself, this post is Literate Haskell.
Copy and paste the body into a file with a .lhs
extension, and you can run it in
, assuming you have free
> {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor, FlexibleInstances, OverlappingInstances #-}
> module Main where
> import Control.Monad (liftM2)
> import Control.Applicative (Applicative, (<$>), (<*>), pure, liftA2)
> import Control.Monad.Free (Free(..), iterM, liftF)
> import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
> import Control.Monad.State (gets, modify)
> import qualified Control.Monad.State as ST
> import Data.Map (Map, intersection, union)
> import qualified Data.Map as M
> import Data.Maybe (isJust)
> import Data.Monoid ((<>))
> import Data.Set (Set)
> import qualified Data.Set as S
> import Data.Traversable (traverse)
We start with a small key value store functor, similar to the Redis one, but with the inclusion of a bulk get command through GetMulti.
> data StoreF next = Get String (Maybe String -> next)
> | GetMulti (Set String) (Map String String -> next)
> | Put String String next
> deriving (Functor)
> type Store = Free StoreF
Then we'll need functions corresponding to our commands. We could use TemplateHaskell for this, but I've included them for clarity.
> get :: String -> Store (Maybe String)
> get s = liftF $ Get s id
> getMulti :: Set String -> Store (Map String String)
> getMulti s = liftF $ GetMulti s id
> put :: String -> String -> Store ()
> put k v = liftF $ Put k v ()
We can write a simple interpreter to run against a Map, and print out the operations as they occur
> type MapDB = Map String String
> interpret :: Store a -> MapDB -> IO a
> interpret = ST.evalStateT . (iterM run)
> where
> run (GetMulti ids next) = do
> liftIO $ putStrLn $ "looking up " ++ show ids
> next =<< filterKeys ids <$> ST.get
> run (Get i next) = do
> liftIO $ putStrLn $ "looking up " ++ show i
> next =<< gets (M.lookup i)
> run (Put k v next) = do
> liftIO $ putStrLn $ "putting " ++ k ++ " " ++ v
> modify (M.insert k v) >> next
We can test the interpreter in ghci
λ: interpret (get "1") (M.singleton "1" "Hello World")
looking up "1"
Just "Hello World"
λ: interpret (getMulti $ S.fromList ["1", "2"]) (M.singleton "1" "Hello World")
looking up fromList ["1","2"]
fromList [("1","Hello World")]
λ: interpret (put "1" "Hello") M.empty
putting 1 Hello
Now we can write a simple program to get two keys and store their concatenation into a third key.
> program :: Store ()
> program = do
> first <- get "1"
> second <- get "2"
> let val = liftM2 (++) first second
> case val of
> Just v -> put "3" v
> _ -> return ()
λ: interpret program $ M.fromList [("1", "hello "), ("2", "world!")]
looking up "1"
looking up "2"
putting 3 hello world!
Assuming that a Get request has no side effects, there's no reason why we had to make two separate requests. The bulk api should let us do this more efficiently. We can rewrite the above to use it:
> program' :: Store ()
> program' = do
> m <- getMulti $ S.fromList ["1", "2"]
> let val = liftM2 (++) (M.lookup "1" m) (M.lookup "2" m)
> case val of
> Just v -> put "3" v
> _ -> return ()
λ: interpret program' $ M.fromList [("1", "hello "), ("2", "world!")]
looking up fromList ["1","2"]
putting 3 hello world!
That's nicer from a request count perspective, but we had to rewrite
it to something that is less clear. If you look at the original
implemenation of program
, second
doesn't depend on the value
of second
, so we can rewrite using <*>
from Applicative,
which is less powerful than >>=
but allows analyzing the computation
before it happens.
> program'' :: Store ()
> program'' = do
> val <- liftM2 (++) <$> get "1" <*> get "2"
> case val of
> Just v -> put "3" v
> _ -> return ()
λ: interpret program'' $ M.fromList [("1", "hello "), ("2", "world!")]
looking up "1"
looking up "2"
putting 3 hello world!
The implementation of Applicative that Free provides us doesn't know
about our domain, so it can't optimize it, but we can provide this.
We'll write a <*>
that collapses mutliple Get and GetMultis into
one single GetMulti request.
I'm going to use OverlappingInstances to demonstrate, but a production implementation should probably write different types.
First a few functions to convert receiving functions:
> -- filter the map to just a set of keys
> filterKeys :: (Ord k) => Set k -> Map k v -> Map k v
> filterKeys is m = M.filterWithKey (\k _ -> S.member k is) m
> -- filter the keys to a merged GetMulti
> justKeys :: Set String -> (Map String String -> t) -> Map String String -> t
> justKeys is n m = n $ filterKeys is m
> -- Adapt the next from a Get to accept a Map
> toMap :: String -> (Maybe String -> a) -> Map String String -> a
> toMap i n m = n $ M.lookup i m
And some boilerplate for combining two MultiGets:
> combineGet
> :: Set String
> -> (Map String String -> Store (a1 -> a))
> -> (Map String String -> Store a1)
> -> Store a
> combineGet is f g = Free $ GetMulti is $ \m -> f m <*> g m
Using the definition of Applicative for Free, we can add in specific instances for that we want to collapes:
> instance Applicative (Free StoreF) where
> pure = Pure
> Pure a <*> Pure b = Pure $ a b
> Pure f <*> Free mb = Free $ fmap f <$> mb
> Free (Get i n) <*> Free (Get i' n') = combineGet s m m'
> where s = (S.fromList [i, i'])
> m = (toMap i n)
> m' = (toMap i' n')
> Free (Get i n) <*> Free (GetMulti is' n') = combineGet s m m'
> where s = (S.insert i is')
> m = (toMap i n)
> m' = (justKeys is' n')
> Free (GetMulti is n) <*> Free (Get i' n') = combineGet s m m'
> where s = (S.insert i' is)
> m = (justKeys is n)
> m' = (toMap i' n')
> Free (GetMulti is n) <*> Free (GetMulti is' n') = combineGet s m m'
> where s = (is' <> is)
> m = (justKeys is n)
> m' = (justKeys is' n')
> Free ma <*> b = Free $ (<*> b) <$> ma
With this definition our program''
now makes just one GetMulti request:
λ: interpret program'' $ M.fromList [("1", "hello "), ("2", "world!")]
looking up fromList ["1","2"]
putting 3 hello world!
We can also test to makes sure that the results of GetMulti return an appropriate Map:
> program2 :: Store (Map String String)
> program2 = intersection
> <$> getMulti (S.fromList ["a", "b", "c"])
> <*> getMulti (S.fromList ["c", "d"])
λ: interpret program2 $ M.fromList $ map (\k -> (k,k)) ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
looking up fromList ["a ","b ","c","d"]
fromList [("c","c")]
> program3 :: Store (Map String String)
> program3 = union
> <$> getMulti (S.fromList ["a", "b", "c"])
> <*> getMulti (S.fromList ["c", "d"])
λ: interpret program3 $ M.fromList $ map (\k -> (k,k)) ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
looking up fromList ["a","b","c","d"]
fromList [("a","a"),("b","b"),("c","c"),("d","d")]
We can still express dependence upon previous values using (>>=), and prevent batching:
> program4 :: Store (Maybe String)
> program4 = get "key" >>= (maybe (return Nothing) get)
λ: interpret program4 $ M.fromList [("key", "second-key"), ("second-key", "hello!")]
looking up "key"
looking up "second-key"
Just "hello!"
A final example of code that I often see in real world applications, for an example User model
> data User = User {
> _id :: Int,
> username :: String,
> email :: String
> } deriving (Show)
Let's say we store all of this in our store, with a scheme of
and <id>:email
for the user data.
To lookup a single record we would could use <*>
and batching of
Gets would occur:
> lookupUser :: Int -> Store (Maybe User)
> lookupUser i = liftA2 (User i) <$> get (pre ++ ":name") <*> get (pre ++ ":email")
> where pre = show i
λ: interpret (lookupUser 0) $ M.fromList $ [("0:email", "[email protected]"), ("0:name", "testuser")]
looking up fromList ["0:email","0:name"]
Just (User {_id = 0, username = "testuser", email = "[email protected]"})
We can expand this to looking up multiple users with
and all of the Gets will be collapsed:
> lookupUsers :: [Int] -> Store [Maybe User]
> lookupUsers ids = traverse lookupUser ids
λ: let sampleUser k = [(k ++ ":email", "test" ++ k ++ "@example.com"), (k ++ ":name", "testuser" ++ k)]
λ: let db = M.fromList $ [0..4] >>= sampleUser . show
λ: interpret (lookupUsers [1..4]) db
looking up fromList ["1:email","1:name","2:email","2:name","3:email","3:name","4:email","4:name"]
[Just (User {_id = 1, username = "testuser1", email = "[email protected]"}),Just (User {_id = 2, username = "testuser2", email = "[email protected]"}),Just (User {_id = 3, username = "testuser3", email = "[email protected]"}),Just (User {_id = 4, username = "testuser4", email = "[email protected]"})]
This collapsing works very naturally with (>>=). Let's say we verify
emails, and for some reason, store this some result under a key like
. If we have a user, we can look this up like so:
> verified :: User -> Store Bool
> verified (User _ _ e) = (get $ e ++ ":verified") >>= return . isJust
If we just have an id, we'll need to look up the user first:
> idVerified :: Int -> Store Bool
> idVerified i = lookupUser i >>= (maybe (return False) verified)
With valid user, we have two Gets.
λ: interpret (idVerified 1) (M.insert "[email protected]:verified" "verified" db)
looking up fromList ["1:email","1:name"]
looking up "[email protected]:verified"
With an invalid user, we do just one:
λ: interpret (idVerified 5) (M.insert "[email protected]:verified" "verified" db)
looking up fromList ["5:email","5:name"]
Once again, we can handle lists via traverse
> idsVerified :: [Int] -> Store [Bool]
> idsVerified ids = traverse idVerified ids
Running this we see that Get requests are batched whenever they can, and that we don't need to write specific logic for batching multiple requests versus a single request.
λ: interpret (idsVerified [1..5]) (M.insert "[email protected]:verified" "verified" db)
looking up fromList ["1:email","1:name","2:email","2:name","3:email","3:name","4:email","4:name","5:email","5:name"]
looking up fromList ["[email protected]:verified","[email protected]:verified","[email protected]:verified","[email protected]:verified"]
I think this technique is pretty awesome, because it solves common
issues like the "n+1 problem", without changing the original code,
assuming it used <*>
in the first place.
There's a lot of related work around this:
- Oliver Charles has similar motiviations with different implementation
- John Wiegley has a simliar implementation
- Facebook's Haxl Project goes into more depth on this approach
Kvle pointed out that this may break some existing code that relied on sequencing of effects, for example:
λ: interpret (get "a" *> put "b" "goodbye" *> get "b") (M.singleton "b" "hello")
looking up fromList ["a","b"]
putting b goodbye
Just "hello"
I'm not really sure how these changes to the definition of Applicative
affects whether the laws still hold. Related to this, embedding
logic into the Applicative definition isn't the best. I'm looking into
using free applicative
instead, and moving the optimizations to another function, but I haven't
figured out how to combine this with the nice do